Get Involved

Voting is a wonderful way to participate in local and national politics, but there are always more avenues to go above and beyond. You can become a volunteer with Salsa the Vote by using the form below to support our cause. Spreading the word about our organization and inspiring others to get involved in local politics helps tremendously. Encouraging friends and family members to get registered and informed are other simple methods to get involved. You can also volunteer at polling stations or with the candidates you support. Democracy does not start and end with voting; every action counts. Remember to think creatively in order to champion for your rights and beliefs.


Salsa the Vote can help the people you serve and your staff with information not always available elsewhere on when and how to register and to vote.

Sample Activities

  • Use your communications, events, video displays, classes, or forums to:
    • Announce the dates of elections and early voting period.
    • Remind people of voter registration deadlines or how to register online.
  • Help people get information on early voting or find their polling place.
  • Partner with a high school or community college to provide voter education and registration.
  • Make a short video with interviews from constituents and staff on why they think voting is important.

Voters want to know in advance what’s on their ballot. Nonpartisan ways to provide this information include distributing nonpartisan voter guides from a trusted partner or sample ballots from your state election office.

You should be more careful if your activity involves candidates. This would include a candidate forum, candidate questionnaire, or a communication referencing the candidates running. Make sure to treat all candidates neutrally and equally.

Sample Activities

  • Display or give out a sample ballot.
  • Provide a copy or link to a nonpartisan voter guide.
  • Hold a mock election for young people ages 6 -17.


Join young people across the country and in your own community! Help register and engage young voters, create and share important information, defend our voting rights, and take action on the issues that impact our lives.

Before Election Day:

Help Others Register To Vote by volunteering with Salsa the Vote that organizes election registration drives.

On Election Day:

Volunteer as a Poll Worker through out site.

Volunteer as an Election-Protection Poll Monitor. Salsa the Vote places volunteers outside of polling places to document voter intimidation or illegal conduct.

How are you interested in helping?