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Francisco Morazán Day (Soldier’s Day)

Francisco Morazán Day, or Soldier’s Day, is a public holiday in Honduras celebrated on October 3rd, the birthday of the noted general and statemen Francisco Morazán. This day holds significance not only in Honduras but in the rest of Central America because of the man who inspired it. Francisco Morazán was a great political thinker whose vision of creating unified free democracy in Central America is an inspiration to this day.

Born on October 3rd, 1792, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Francisco Morazán was a self-educated man who rose to political prominence in the years after his native Honduras gained independence from Spanish rule. He began his military career in 1821 when he was appointed as a captain in the Tegucigalpa volunteer army, a group of liberal freedom fighters who opposed Honduras’s annexation into the Mexican empire. While this movement ultimately failed, it is believed that this time in the Tegucigalpa volunteer army inspired his later life as a military leader and champion of democratic values. The Mexican empire collapsed a year later, and Honduras became independent again. In 1823 the Federal Republic of Central America was established, of which Honduras was a member state. Meanwhile, Francisco Morazán was appointed as secretary general of Honduras.

In 1826, everything changed when Manuel José Arce, first president of the Federal Republic of Central America, illegally dissolved the federal Congress. This move was rejected by the Honduran head of state Dionisio de Herrera as unconstitutional and undemocratic. In response, Manuel José Arce attempted to depose Dionisio de Herrera leading to a civil war within the Federal Republic of Central America. Morazán was appointed as a general of the Liberal army. After winning multiple key battles, he became the leader of the liberal forces and head of state in Honduras. In 1827 he led his troops to victory in the Battle of Guatemala City, defeating Manuel José Arce.

He established himself as a de facto leader of the Federal Republic of Central America until he was officially elected president in 1830. He served two terms as the president of the Federal Republic of Central America. His time as president saw widespread social and political reforms that expanded civil rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion. All these rights are considered important factors in a functioning democracy, and in general, are necessary aspects of fair and free elections. He also attempted to limit the church’s influence over public affairs. At the time, the Catholic Church had close ties to the state and considerable political influence. Morazán believed this power was undemocratic and took power out of the hands of the people.

Unfortunately, his push for religious freedom and secularization would be his downfall. His democratization of the Federal Republic of Central America angered many conservatives, primarily wealthy landowners who benefitted from the status quo. In addition, the Clergy used their influence over the rural and impoverished populations to incite multiple revolts against the Morazán government. This meant Morazán spent much of his second term putting down various conservative-backed insurgencies in an attempt to keep the federation together. However, by the end of his second term, the federation was beginning to break apart, and he was finally deposed in 1840 by a conservative-backed coup. He spent the rest of his life trying to restore the democratic republic to Central America before being executed in Costa Rica in 1842. Nevertheless, he died as he lived, a champion of democratic values, willing to fight for his beliefs and the vision of a unified and free democracy in Central America.

 Today, Francisco Morazán is recognized as a visionary and one of the great political thinkers of his time. He is remembered as a champion of democratic values and human rights. His role in the history and vision for a unified democratic Central America is not only recognized in his native Honduras but is celebrated all over Central America. To this day, there is much to be learned from the example set by Francisco Morazán. In a time when we are incredibly divided by political opinions, to the point that our very democracy is at stake, a man, who fought and died because he believed in a unified free democracy, should be an inspiration for all of us. So that is why this October 3rd, we remember and celebrate the life of Francisco Morazán with Honduras.

By Nick Oestreich

Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2022, September 29). Francisco Morazán. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Minster, Christopher. (2020, August 27). Francisco Morazan: the Simon Bolivar of Central America. Retrieved from

Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2019, February 28). United Provinces of Central America. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Minster, Christopher. (2020, August 26). The Federal Republic of Central America (1823-1840). Retrieved from